ApexAlgo Profit Split

ApexAlgo Profit Sharing with Token Holders

At the core of ApexAlgo's value proposition is not just the utility of its algorithmic trading service but also the commitment to share profits with its community of token holders. Here's an overview of the profit-sharing model:

1. Subscription Revenue:

  • ApexAlgo operates as a subscription service, with users paying $39 per month for access to the powerful ApexAlgo trading algorithm.

2. Monthly Profit Calculation:

  • Assuming 5,000 users subscribe to ApexAlgo, the monthly revenue generated would be $39 * 5,000 = $195,000. This revenue is pegged to 1 USDC.

3. Profit Sharing Mechanism:

  • ApexAlgo is committed to sharing the success with its community. A noteworthy 10% of the monthly profits, equivalent to $19,500, is designated for profit-sharing among token holders.

4. Beneficiaries - Top 100 Holders:

  • The profit-sharing is strategically structured to benefit the top 100 token holders. This elite group, subject to change based on the dynamics of the ecosystem, enjoys a proportional share of the monthly profits.

5. Steady Bonus for Top 100 Holders:

  • With 5,000 customers contributing to the monthly profit pool, the top 100 token holders can anticipate a steady bonus. In this scenario, each of the top 100 holders would receive a bonus of $195 every month.

6. Competitor Comparison:

  • ApexAlgo positions itself confidently in the market by highlighting the competitive landscape. While boasting 5,000 customers, ApexAlgo provides a superior product at a lower cost. Comparatively, competitors with over 50,000 customers charge three times more for a product deemed inferior.

7. Growth Strategy:

  • By offering a robust trading algorithm, affordable subscription pricing, and a lucrative profit-sharing model, ApexAlgo aims to not only capture its share of the market but to disrupt and dominate. The strategic decision to share profits aligns with the belief that the community's success is intertwined with ApexAlgo's success.

8. Confidence in Market Takeover:

  • With a firm belief in the product's quality and a customer-friendly pricing model, ApexAlgo expresses confidence in its potential to take over the market. The profit-sharing model further incentivizes users to become long-term stakeholders in ApexAlgo's journey.

In essence, ApexAlgo's profit-sharing model is not just a token gesture but a strategic move to align the interests of the platform and its community. As the user base grows, so does the collective success, fostering a symbiotic relationship between ApexAlgo, its users, and token holders.

Last updated